Friday, July 22, 2005

Can't keep up with recent developments...busy week, even with regular 1 pm wake-up time and sauntering over for Teh Tarek and Kopi at our favourite Indian Mamak stall every morning.

Did a trace on old school-mate Azril Hisham Abdul Aziz and finally fingered him on a tech-news article in the online Star...had a visual to go too, and knew that unmistakable mug even with graying hairline immediately. So we met last Sunday at a banana leaf restaurant in Bangsar, and he brought down the whole of them!, most with wife and kid/kids in tow.

Azril works as an IT specialist at IBM, lives in Ampang, National Geographhic enthusiast and cup-winning accapellist at the office. After scouting home entertainment systems with the rest of the guys drove us down to Cyberjaya + Putrajaya, new federal government city complex...even more Start Trek than Star Trek...more on that later.

Meanwhile, Tess made new friends night I was laid up with air-con induced chills on Jalan Alor...Nanni and Peter, local architects (well, Peter's from New York but he's gone native) so we have even more best new friends in the big city. Nanni's a whirlwind of energy and activity and woman of many, architecture, theatre, dance, running programs for under-privileged kids. Peter's a Teh Tarek junky who paints and loves KL and her ways and haunts the Wetlands near Putrajaya on daily excursions.

Through Nanni and Peter, also getting to know Ari, IT guy with big visions, Arislan, here with his family from Chechnya (by way of Turkey and Georgia), and Hisham, notorious local film- and mischief-maker (in and out of several jails for activist work and general political out-spokenness) as well as prospective room-mate.

So our phone gone from near-slumber last week to continual text-messaging relays all this week. Tonight, booty-shaking and crowd-watching, who-knows-where in KL.

Alright, Tessa's breathing hard into her Natonal Geographic...gotta run

- Kajin